Adopted Regulation R009-04
LCB File No. R009-04
Effective April 26, 2004
EXPLANATION – Matter in italics is new; matter in brackets [omitted material] is material to be omitted.
AUTHORITY: §§1-9 and 11, NRS 638.070; §10, NRS 638.132.
A REGULATION relating to veterinary medicine; regulating the practice of animal physical
therapy; revising provisions regarding licensure by the Nevada State Board of
Veterinary Medical Examiners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Section 1. Chapter 638 of NAC is hereby amended by adding thereto the provisions set
forth as sections 2 to 6, inclusive, of this regulation.
Sec. 2. As used in sections 2 to 6, inclusive, of this regulation, “animal physical therapy”
means the rehabilitation of injuries in a nonhuman animal through the use of the following
techniques, but does not include animal chiropractic:
1. Stretching;
2. Massage therapy;
3. Rehabilitative exercise;
4. Hydrotherapy;
5. Application of heat or cold; and
6. Stimulation by the use of:
(a) Low-level lasers;
Adopted Regulation R009-04
(b) Electrical sources;
(c) Magnetic fields; or
(d) Noninvasive ultrasound.
Sec. 3. 1. A person shall not practice animal physical therapy in this state unless he is:
(a) A veterinarian;
(b) A licensed veterinary technician who has received training in animal physical therapy
and is working under the direction of a veterinarian licensed in this state; or
(c) A physical therapist who has obtained a certificate of registration pursuant to this
section and complies with the provisions of section 5 of this regulation.
2. A physical therapist who desires to secure a certificate of registration to practice
animal physical therapy in this state must make written application to the Board.
3. The application must be on a form provided by the Board, include any information
required by the Board and be accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant:
(a) Is of good moral character;
(b) Has been an active licensed physical therapist in this state for at least 3 years;
(c) Is in good standing with the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners;
(d) Has successfully completed at least 100 hours of instruction or course work, or a
combination of both, in the area of animal physical therapy, which must include, without
limitation, assessment and planning of treatment, behavior, biomechanics, common
orthopedic and neurological conditions, comparative anatomy, neurology, and therapeutic
modalities and exercises; and
(e) Has completed at least 125 hours of supervised clinical experience in animal physical
therapy with a licensed veterinarian.
Adopted Regulation R009-04
4. The application must be signed by the applicant, notarized and accompanied by a fee of
5. Except as otherwise provided in section 6 of this regulation, upon receipt of the
application and information required by subsection 3 and payment of the fee, the Board will
issue to the physical therapist a certificate of registration.
Sec. 4. 1. Each certificate of registration issued pursuant to section 3 of this regulation
or renewed pursuant to this section expires on January 1 of each year.
2. Each application for renewal of a certificate of registration must be:
(a) Submitted in the form established by the Board;
(b) Signed by the physical therapist and accompanied by a renewal fee of $25;
(c) Accompanied by proof that the physical therapist completed, during the 12-month
period immediately preceding the beginning of the new registration year, at least 5 hours of
continuing education in animal physical therapy approved by the Board; and
(d) Accompanied by proof that his license as a physical therapist in this state is active and
that he is in good standing with the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners.
3. A physical therapist who fails to renew his certificate of registration before it expires
forfeits his certificate of registration.
4. Except as otherwise provided in section 6 of this regulation, upon receipt of the
application for renewal and the information required by subsection 2 and payment of the
renewal fee, the Board will renew the certificate of registration of the physical therapist.
Sec. 5. 1. A physical therapist who has been issued a certificate of registration pursuant
to section 3 of this regulation may practice animal physical therapy only:
Adopted Regulation R009-04
(a) Under the direction of a veterinarian licensed in this state who has established a valid
veterinarian-client-patient relationship concerning the animal receiving the animal physical
therapy before the animal physical therapy is performed; and
(b) If the physical therapist assumes individual liability for the quality of the animal
physical therapy performed.
2. The veterinarian under whose direction the physical therapist performs the animal
physical therapy:
(a) Is not required to supervise the physical therapist during the animal physical therapy.
(b) Is not liable for the acts or omissions of the physical therapist who performs the animal
physical therapy.
3. Each physical therapist who has been issued a certificate of registration shall:
(a) Maintain in this state for at least 4 years a separate written medical record of each
animal receiving animal physical therapy from the physical therapist.
(b) Within 48 hours after the initial visit with the animal, mail or transmit by facsimile
machine a complete copy of the medical record to the veterinarian under whose direction the
physical therapist performs the animal physical therapy.
(c) Within 48 hours after each subsequent visit with the animal, mail or transmit by
facsimile machine a progress report to the veterinarian under whose direction the physical
therapist performs the animal physical therapy.
4. The veterinarian shall include the copy of the medical record received pursuant to
subsection 3 in the medical record required pursuant to NAC 638.037. The written medical
record must include, without limitation:
(a) The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the animal;
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(b) The name or identifying number, or both, of the animal;
(c) The age, sex and breed of the animal;
(d) The dates of care, custody or treatment of the animal;
(e) The results of a basic rehabilitation examination related to physical therapy;
(f) The diagnosis and treatment plan related to physical therapy recommended by the
physical therapist for the animal; and
(g) The progress and disposition of the case.
Sec. 6. 1. A violation of a provision of chapter 638 or 640 of NRS or a regulation
adopted by the State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners or the Nevada State Board of
Veterinary Medical Examiners is a ground for disciplinary action.
2. If the Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners determines that an
applicant for a certificate of registration pursuant to section 3 of this regulation or a physical
therapist who has been issued a certificate of registration pursuant to section 3 of this
regulation has committed any act which is a ground for disciplinary action, the Board may:
(a) Refuse to issue a certificate of registration;
(b) Refuse to renew a certificate of registration;
(c) Revoke a certificate of registration;
(d) Suspend a certificate of registration for a definite period or until further order of the
(e) Impose a fine in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for each act that constitutes a
ground for disciplinary action;
(f) Place a physical therapist who has been issued a certificate of registration on probation
subject to any reasonable conditions imposed by the Board, including, without limitation,
Adopted Regulation R009-04
requiring courses in continuing education or a periodic or continuous review of his animal
physical therapy practice;
(g) Administer a public reprimand;
(h) Require the physical therapist who has been issued a certificate of registration to take a
competency examination or a mental or physical examination; and
(i) Require the physical therapist who has been issued a certificate of registration to pay all
costs, including, without limitation, attorney’s fees, incurred by the Board in taking
disciplinary action against him.
Sec. 7. NAC 638.033 is hereby amended to read as follows:
638.033 [Every veterinarian and veterinary technician] Each person who is registered or
licensed by the Board shall notify the Board, in writing, of any change of business address, place
of employment , mailing address or telephone number within 20 days after the change.
Sec. 8. NAC 638.0445 is hereby amended to read as follows:
638.0445 1. A licensed veterinarian whose license has been placed on inactive status may
apply to the Board to have his license restored to active status by submitting to the Executive
Director of the Board:
(a) An application for the restoration of his license , signed by the licensed veterinarian and
(b) A fee of [$145;] $120;
(c) Proof that he has completed at least [
20] 15 hours of continuing education approved
by the Board in the [2 years] year immediately preceding the filing of the application; and
(d) If he is licensed or has been licensed in any other state, a letter of good standing from the
licensing agency of each state in which he is licensed or has been licensed. Each letter must, if
Adopted Regulation R009-04
applicable, include detailed information concerning any disciplinary action that has been taken
against the licensed veterinarian or that is pending in that state.
2. If a licensed veterinarian files an application pursuant to this section which contains any
false information, the Board may immediately revoke his license.
Sec. 9. NAC 638.0525 is hereby amended to read as follows:
638.0525 1. A person may perform the tasks of a veterinary technician under the
immediate supervision of a licensed veterinarian or licensed veterinary technician while the
person is receiving the training and experience required by paragraph (g) of subsection 2 if he is
registered with the Board pursuant to this section.
2. To be registered as a veterinary technician in training, a person must:
(a) Submit to the Board an application on a form prescribed by the Board;
(b) Submit to the Board a letter of recommendation written by the veterinarian in charge of
the facility where he is employed or will be employed;
(c) Be 18 years of age or older;
(d) Have a high school diploma or equivalent certificate;
(e) Be of good moral character;
(f) Be enrolled in a school or program of training that is approved by the American
Veterinary Medical Association or the Board;
(g) Participate in training while on the job and acquire experience that is commensurate with
the duties of his employment; and
(h) Pay a fee of [
$25.] $50.
3. After confirming that an applicant complies with all the requirements of subsection 2, the
Executive Director of the Board shall, unless he has good cause to deny the registration, issue a
Adopted Regulation R009-04
letter of registration for a veterinary technician in training to the veterinarian in charge of the
facility where the trainee is employed or will be employed.
4. A registration issued pursuant to this section [is effective for 18 months after the date the
registration is issued] between:
(a) January 1 and August 31 of any year expires on September 1 of the next subsequent
year; and
(b) September 1 and December 31 of any year expires on September 1 of the year
immediately following the next subsequent year,
¬ unless the Board grants an extension of [such effective date.] the period of registration.
Sec. 10. NAC 638.0604 is hereby amended to read as follows:
638.0604 1. The Board will provide a form for the self-inspection of veterinary facilities.
The purpose of the form is to assist the veterinarian in charge of the facility seeking a permit to
operate in determining whether the facility complies with:
(a) The minimum standards of practice of veterinary medicine established in this chapter and
chapter 638 of NRS; and
(b) The regulations adopted by the State Board of Pharmacy.
2. The veterinarian who is in charge of a facility seeking a permit to operate shall complete
the self-inspection form and return the form to the Board.
3. The Board may, at any time, inspect a facility pursuant to the provisions of NAC
4. A facility that does not meet the minimum standards of practice for veterinary medicine
set forth in this chapter and chapter 638 of NRS may be subject to disciplinary action
pursuant to the provisions of NRS 638.147.
Adopted Regulation R009-04
Sec. 11. NAC 638.245 is hereby amended to read as follows:
638.245 1. All proceedings and investigations after the filing of a complaint are
confidential, except to the extent necessary for the conduct of an investigation, until the Board
determines to proceed with disciplinary action. If the Board dismisses the complaint, the
proceedings remain confidential. If the Board proceeds with disciplinary action, confidentiality
concerning the proceedings is no longer required.
2. If the Board conducts an investigation upon a complaint against a licensee, the Board will
not limit the scope of its investigation to the matters set forth in the complaint but may extend the
investigation to any additional matters which appear to constitute a violation of any provision of
this chapter or chapter 638 of NRS . [or of this chapter.]
3. If, after its investigation, the Board dismisses the complaint, the dismissal does not
operate as a limitation on or a deterrent to any subsequent investigation or other action by the
[4. Whenever the Board directs that an investigation be conducted into a disciplinary matter,
the results of the investigation or any information relating to the investigation will not be
examined by and must not be disclosed to, the members of the Board before the Boards hearing
on the matter.]
Adopted Regulation R009-04
LCB File No. R009-04
The Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners adopted regulations assigned
LCB File No. R009-04 which pertain to chapter 638 of the Nevada Administrative Code on
March 12, 2004.
Notice date: 2/11/2004 Date of adoption by agency: 3/12/2004
Hearing date: 3/12/2004 Filing date: 4/26/2004
1. A description of how public comment was solicited, a summary of public response, and
explanation how other interested persons may obtain a copy of the summary.
The proposed regulations were noticed with all Nevada County Public Libraries and at the office of
the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Public response focused on the continuing
education and the fee distribution of the regulation. Minutes of the hearing and written comments
can be obtained by calling the Nevada Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners at (775) 688-1788,
or writing to the Board at 4600 Kietzke Lane, Bldg. O, #265, Reno, Nevada 89502.
2. The number of persons who: Hearing & Workshop date: March 12, 2004
(a) Attended each hearing: 5
(b) Testified at each hearing: 2
(c) Submitted to the agency written comments: 0
3. A description of how comment was solicited from affected businesses, a summary of their
response and an explanation how other interested persons may obtain a copy of the summary.
Comments were solicited from affected businesses by the notices as outlined in #1, and by direct
mail to interested persons that are on the Board’s mailing list.
4. If the regulation was adopted without changing any part of the proposed regulation, a
summary of the reasons for adopting the regulation without change.
The regulation was adopted with non-substantial changes to the renewal process and fee distribution
at the public hearing on March 12, 2004.
5. The estimated economic effect of the adopted regulation on the business which it is to
regulate on the public.
There is no estimated economic effect on the public, either adverse or beneficial, nor immediate or
long term.
6. The estimated cost to the agency for enforcement of the adopted regulation.
The estimated cost is $25.00 per licensee.
7. A description of any regulation of other state or government agencies which the proposed
regulation overlaps or duplicates.
Adopted Regulation R009-04
The Board is now aware of any state or government agency regulations that the proposed
amendments duplicate.
8. Does the regulation include provisions which are more stringent than a federal regulation
which regulates the same activity?
The Board is not aware of any regulations that are more stringent than any federal regulation that
regulates the same activity.
9. Does the regulation provide a new fee or increase an existing fee?
There is a new fee to all registered physical therapists of $50.00 application fee and a yearly renewal
fee of $25.00. The total fees collected will be approximately $200.00 per year.